PHYS 491/492 – Senior Project

Course Coordinator:Asst.Prof.Şahin Büyükdağlı
E-mail Address:
Teaching Assistant:Tugba Andac
E-mail Address:
Assessment Method(%)Contribution to Final Grade
Progress Report20
Final Report 40
Final Presentation40
Colloquia and Meeting Attendance

Students will receive an automatic F grade if they don’t show up at the scheduled time of their presentation.

Senior project course is designed to make you conduct an independent research and warm you up to the academic line of work. We are aiming to expose you a possible scenario of realizing a short scientific project. The course will include the contemplation of relevant scientific ideas under the supervision of a Physics faculty member and finally present the output of your research within 4 months period.

Here is the overall plan of the course:

  • Title and abstract of each project will be officially announced by the faculty members one week prior to the starting date of senior project course. You should check the faculty members’ website to select a project topic that is appealing to you. The deadline for advisor selection will also be announced.
  • Each faculty member is expected to announce at least two senior project titles and abstracts.
  • You will meet with your advisor as regular research meeting at least once a week. The advisor will record your attendances to research meetings and report your overall participation including discussions, feedbacks and progress of the project to the coordinator.
  • Do a detailed survey of the previous work done in the field. Use Web of Science, Google Scholar and/or Scopus to search previous work. Print a list of the papers (including abstracts) you find and share with your supervisor. Ask him to advise you on the relevant papers.
  • You must submit all of reports (e.g. progress and final reports) as well as your presentations to course’s Moodle page. You have to first show your work to your advisor in order to get a proper feedback before uploading to the Moodle page. Therefore, the advisor will be able to set a suitable one-semester research goal, track your progress during the semester and benchmark your study performance.
  • All reports must be written in a scientific format and typeset on a scientific platform (e.g. LaTeX).
  • You will present progress and results of your work before senior project monitoring committee that includes several faculty members. The monitoring committee members will evaluate your performance in the session based on the scientific merit of your work and your ability to present it well.
  • The course materials as well as report submission will be moderated through Moodle (complemented with Turnitin).
  • Make sure you are informed of all safety regulations if you have to use equipment unbeknownst to you. Safety, (first) for you and the equipment you use, is very important!
  • You are obliged to attend each colloquium session, your attendance will contribute to your final grade. Each week, right after colloquium (even there is no colloquium in that particular week), you will meet with your advisor and briefly discuss what you have done as a research activity past week.
  • Write a progress report in the form of a scientific paper containing your results obtained before the deadline.
  • Write a final report (continue on progress report and finalize it) and prepare a final presentation of your project. The final report will consist of your overall results.
  • Apart from oral presentations, a poster session will be held in the Department of Physics at most one week after the final presentations. Monitoring committee will choose the students who are going to present their work during the poster session.

Some final comments on senior project course:

Since this is a research activity class, the style will be slightly different than any regular class in the department. However, this definitely does not mean that you do not have to obey the deadlines and submit your work anytime. Please bear in mind that deadlines are sharp and will not be flexible at all.Second point needs to be stressed is that your work must fit with the ethic rules of the University. Principles of scientific ethics must be obeyed in this course, and this will be closely monitored. We will apply basic code of conduct for scientific practices. Any type of plagiarism will be regarded as a grave misconduct and will be graded as letter note of “F”.