Category: Departmental Seminars
Dr. Aydın Cem Keser on June 10, 2024 at 14:30 in SA-240
BILKENT UNIVERSITYDEPARTMENT of PHYSICS SEMINAR Aydın Cem KeserCSIRO, Sydney, Australia “Nonlinearity and Randomness in Many-Body Physics: Insights and Practical Applications” Abstract: Many-body physics is a rich field that connects diverse topics ranging from fundamental interactions to condensed matter physics and its engineering applications. Many-body theory is generally formulated in a linear framework. Nevertheless, randomness and…
Prof. Dr. Bayram Tekin on May 17, 2024 at 14:30 in SA-240
BILKENT UNIVERSITYDEPARTMENT of PHYSICS SEMINAR Bayram TekinMETU “Short and Long Distance Problems of General Relativity and Possible Solutions” Abstract: General Relativity, as a theory of gravity, works remarkably well at Solar system tests, yet it has to be modified to describe the motion of stars in spiral galaxies and the motion of galaxies in galaxy…